Photo credits
Abbasid Caliph Al-Ma'mun sends an envoy to Byzantine Emperor Theophilos
Unknown, 13th-century author - History of John Skylitzes (Skyllitzes Matritensis (Biblioteca Nacional de España))Public Domain, link of source
صورة من مخطوطة مضيئة تظهر النار الإغريقية المستخدمة ضد أسطول المتمرد توماس الصقلبي
Unknown author - Codex Skylitzes Matritensis, Bibliteca Nacional de Madrid, Vitr. 26-2, Bild-Nr. 77, f 34 v. b. (taken from Pászthory, p. 31)Public Domain, link of source
Skyllitzes Matritensis, fol. 100v, detail. Miniature: The Arab conquest of Syracuse (in 878).
from the Middle Ages, unknownPublic Domain, link of source
The Arabs drive the Byzantines to flight at Azazion
Unknown, 13th-century authorPublic Domain, link of source